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Herbal Rose Tea(Rose Petals)- Loose Herbal Tea

Herbal Teas

Product Information

Herbal Rose Tea(Rose Petals)- Loose Herbal Tea

Roses have been a symbol of beauty and elegance for centuries. Finding ourselves in a vast selection of roses, we decided to pick those that will transfer subtlety, elegance and beauty from their gentle petals into your life. Our organic rose tea has a sweet and elegant flavour and mesmerizing appearance. Organically grown in India, with an oriental touch, this tea is crafted for pure, delightful and full relaxation.

Rose contains high levels of vitamin C, a large number of polyphenols along with several other antioxidants like quercetin and ellagic acid. Polyphenols are natural antioxidants which are well known for their ability to repair cellular damage and protect the body against serious illnesses including heart disease, bone weakness and cancer. Rose tea has traditionally been drunk around the world to alleviate some of the symptoms of menstruation, in particular, to ease painful cramping. It is also an effective natural treatment for mild infections of the urinary tract. Drinking rose tea is know to help with keeping kidneys healthy and even help to prevent kidney stones. Rose tea improves skin and hair, helps in clearing acne, boosts immunity, eases sore throat and constipation, improves digestion, relieves stress and anxiety and promotes weight loss.

Contains no caffeine.


Pure Dried Rose Petals


Light and sweet rosy

Relaxing and beautifying

Water temperature: 100º Celsius
Dosage: 5 grams of tea
Amount of water: 150-200 ml
Steeping time: 3, 5 minutes
Re-steepings: 2-3 times

Method: We suggest to always use freshly boiled water cooled down to proper temperature. Use suitable tea ware and cover the teapot or a teacup when brewing. To discover delicate subtlety of each tea and get the most nutrients out of the leaves/flowers always follow the instructions, and feel free to experiment with dosage, time or temperature when you get accustomed to the tea. Higher temperature, larger amounts of leaves and longer steeping time will result in stronger infusion with more astringency. You can add sugar or honey to your tea, but we suggest trying it straight first in order to enjoy it to the fullest..

Days when you want to pamper yourself.


Organically grown as per NPOP, NOP & EU standards.

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